Reimagining Education in South-East Europe: The Future Beyond 2030

Reimagining Education in South-East Europe: The Future Beyond 2030 | Future Education Magazine


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Addressing Digital Challenges and Opportunities In South-East Europe

Participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia recently convened to explore the evolving educational landscape in South-East Europe within the digital age. The digital revolution has transformed how we communicate, share information, and express opinions, offering significant opportunities for global connectivity. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive approach, with education playing a pivotal role in fostering responsible and well-informed digital citizens.

On April 20, 2024, UNESCO’s Antenna in Sarajevo of its Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe organized the Regional Educators’ Symposium titled “Re-imagining Education 2030: Teachers and Librarians Shaping the Future.” This symposium brought together educators, school librarians, university professors, and experts from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia to brainstorm on creating constructive teaching environments in the rapidly evolving digital educational landscape in South-East Europe. The event, part of the regional UN initiative “Youth 4 Inclusion, Equality, and Trust,” focused on the intersection of education and media literacy, providing a platform to address the pressing issues facing educators today.

Fostering Critical Thinking and Digital Responsibility

Education is the foundation of society, and quality education ensures a thriving, democratic, and inclusive community. Lamija Silajdžić from the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Sarajevo emphasized the event’s importance in identifying and addressing the key challenges hindering education. Silajdžić highlighted the need for decision-makers to act in the interest of quality education, knowledge, and societal development.

The digital age poses threats to education quality, with younger generations often exposed to harmful online content. Integrating media and information literacy into education can transform students into responsible digital citizens who contribute positively to the online environment. The symposium addressed these issues, exploring methods to instill digital responsibility in students, and empowering them to navigate the global information ecosystem with discernment and integrity. Participants exchanged insights, shared best practices, and developed practical solutions to enhance media literacy and combat hate speech.

Comprehensive workshops preceded the symposium, conducted with teachers and school librarians from the involved countries, in collaboration with media literacy experts from the Universities of Sarajevo and Belgrade, the Quality Assurance Agency for Pre-university Education (ASCAP), and the Albanian Media Institute (AMI). These workshops focused on the role of education in combating harmful content, with discussions on social media’s impact on youth, cyberbullying, critical thinking skills, and personal data protection. Astrid Dautaj from ASCAP remarked on the project’s role in improving education quality and the learning process.

Building Collective Efforts for a Brighter Future

The symposium aimed to foster a resilient and enlightened generation of learners equipped to thrive in an interconnected world. Emphasizing the need for collaborative efforts, the event highlighted the importance of equipping educators with the tools and knowledge necessary to guide the next generation. A proactive approach to media and information literacy was fostered among participants, aiming to empower students as discerning contributors to the digital world.

Ludmilla Stefani from ASCAP underscored the event’s significance in reimagining the future of education, particularly within the context of South-East Europe. “We are here to work together, to come up with ideas, and to help our students,” she stated. The symposium yielded several key recommendations, including the need for better teaching environments and continuous professional development in media literacy. Participants stressed the importance of integrating these skills into curricula, fostering critical thinking, and enhancing regional collaboration among educators

The event underscored shared challenges and a commitment to innovative educational practices, emphasizing educators’ crucial role in preparing students to navigate the digital age responsibly. Snežana Balazevski, a teacher from Belgrade, noted that participants, despite their nationalities and individual experiences, shared the same global educational challenges. “What we are doing today is a small step, but I hope it will be a big step for education globally,” she stated.

Organized within the regional UN initiative “Youth 4 Inclusion, Equality, and Trust,” financed by the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund, and implemented by UNESCO, UNDP, UNFPA, and UN Women, the symposium aimed to support young people in promoting constructive narratives, intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity, gender equality, and social cohesion in the region.

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