Hobbies are an important part of our lives to develop liking, passion, and overall development. A lot of hobbies like music, drawing, trekking, or cycling are a part of our routines, which help us distract ourselves from the world and live in our own space. Hobbies in 2023 can be diverse, as technology has taken over. As part of the digital era, children are more than attracted to smartphones as they witness interesting visuals and colors on them. That is why they are so attracted to and want to use the phone every time.
As parents, you are very much concerned about not letting the smartphone take over the other joys of the age, your kid should be enjoying, isn’t it?
Here Is A List Of Educational Toys Or Hobbies In 2023 That You Can Encourage Your Kid To Have:
1. Gardening
As children like to play in water and run around when in a moist area, trying to imbibe gardening as one of the hobbies in 2023, will be a good try. Via gardening, you can teach kids the importance of trees, nature, and greenery and how pollution depletes all of this. This will help them understand the importance of nature from a small age and they will take the necessary steps as they grow up.

Littering around, not knowing the importance of garbage disposal, no importance of nature in their eyes, and sticking to the smartphone, all of this will not exist in your kid if you inculcate the goodness in them. Try to make them fall in love with nature. As this can be one of the most dependable and beneficial hobbies in 2023.
2. A sport
To imbibe some hobbies in 2023 especially, you need to observe your kid a lot. Except for the smartphone, what more games is he/she attracted to? Give the kid games to play according to his/her age. See if they like it or not. Take them outdoors on weekends and play with them. Simple outdoor games like hide and seek, statue, freeze tag, etc. See how physically strong or weak they are.
How much can they function in terms of flexibility, body movements, and vigorous movements? Some kids have a natural inclination towards a particular sport and want to do it or are attracted to do it unknowingly. Help them do it and then leave them to try it themselves. Cycling, running, jogging, skating, etc are some examples of such hobbies in 2023, which are not related to technology at all.
3. Music
Music is the best hobby to develop. A lot of youngsters are getting involved in it via social media and YouTube, which will help them build their careers in music if they wish for it. Unlike other mentioned hobbies, this one can be used as a technological aspect, and via smartphones videos and content can be posted if the talent provides value and is good.

Starting from a small age in music like playing the piano, drums, harmonium, table, etc are signs that the kid is musically inclined. Give him a simple basic setup, train him to record videos and post on social media platforms, and see the magic that the kid and digitalization create. That’s why mentioned earlier, unlike the other hobbies, this one can be used to advantage in this digital era.
4. Art & Craft
Being a tech-savvy parent, you can find some coloring books or similar stuff online for the kid to develop some skills which can accelerate his/her development. So, here is where art and craft come into the picture. As per the kid’s age, you can search on Google and find age-appropriate toys, books, and other stuff for overall development. Doing this will help you find the kid’s interests and likings.
If he/she can do well in a field like painting, sketching, sculpturing, or anything similar. As a new generation, the kids are fast and way more talented as the grasping power is good as compared to older generations. So taking advantage of the same to develop hobbies in 2023, they can be tested in some of these ways.
5. Photography
In kids, it may sound a bit out of context, as photography is a skill, but you never know. Your kid might already have it inherited in him and be talented in it too. Give him a chance at least. As said earlier the upcoming generation is evolving in terms of brain development. As in the digital era, the kids of this generation will be more and more exposed to technology. So to develop some hobbies in 2023 is an excellent opportunity for you as a parent. Kids love visuals, and photography is the best skill for kids who love visuals.
Factors To Be Considered By Parents:
1. Don’t force
In the attempt of hobby observation of the kids, do not force them to possess a particular hobby. When you were a kid you may be good at something and want to imbibe the same into your kid. He/she has your genes for sure, but it doesn’t mean he/she likes the same thing which you liked when you were young. Give them a variety of options to choose from. Know when to stop as a parent.
2. Let them explore

Give them a hobby or a toy, show them how it’s used, and leave it for them to do it initially. Let them try and fail. Then show them again and allow them to fail again. After 4 to 5 attempts they will learn and may start liking it too. Let them handle the element of the hobby in their way first, if they are doing anything wrong, then only stop them and teach.
3. Imbibe confidence and fun
See to it that you and the kid enjoy the process. The kid should enjoy doing the things he/she is getting to do, with fun and confidence. Do not stop him/her from making mistakes. As a parent, you know when the kid needs help and when he doesn’t. That is exactly what you need to do!
As we conclude, parents must try to strike a balance of technology and hobbies in 2023, regarding the development of their respective kids. Only sitting indoors with smartphone games won’t do any good for the kid. Similarly, over-encouraging the kid to not use the phone and encouraging him/her to play outdoors isn’t advised too. So, the point is, parents need to strike a balance and make a combination of both.
By developing some hobbies in 2023 in your kid, even you may gain a good time with the kid, and you too have a chance to be a kid again. This is your chance to spend the best moments of your life with him/her. Do the same and open arms for your kid. Be his favorite. Go, you have your chance!