5 Higher Education Recruitment Trends To Boost Enrolment

5 Important Higher Education Recruitment Trends To Boost Enrolment | Future Education Magazine


The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has introduced additional difficulties for those working in the education sector. Above all else, the recruiting and admissions processes at higher education recruitment institutions, universities, and schools were the most crucial. Institutions that have embraced digital technology and placed a primary emphasis on digitization and digital transformation have discovered methods to effectively manage consistent education delivery. How do you plan to handle the higher education recruitment jobs and increase enrollment at your school now that the old standard has been replaced?

Here are 5 Higher Education Recruitment Trends to Boost Enrolment:

1. Get familiar with the methodology that is currently being used for enrollment, which is virtual enrolment.

5 Important Higher Education Recruitment Trends To Boost Enrolment | Future Education Magazine

Things are different now than they were before the epidemic, particularly with regard to higher education recruitment. The majority of educational institutions have carried on with their recruiting and enrollment efforts virtually. A simple and efficient acceleration of the enrollment and admissions process may be achieved with the assistance of the appropriate technology, which may include cloud services. It is far less time-consuming, less cumbersome, and more effective than the old and manual admissions procedures.

Institutions need to select technologies that can strategically process and manage high volumes of information, as well as create an easy path for recruitment managers to reach and attain prospective students in an organized manner. This will allow the admission rate to rise, which will be beneficial for the institution.

2. The importance of computerization and mechanization in the admissions process

The contemporary landscape of education calls for contemporary approaches to the management of admissions and enrolment. The process of admissions may be made simpler, more flexible, more convenient, and less expensive via the use of digitalization and automation.

5 Important Higher Education Recruitment Trends To Boost Enrolment | Future Education Magazine

It is possible that automating all of the tasks and operations, such as converting paper forms into online inquiry forms, virtual interviews into in-person visits, and delayed responses to inquiries to a quick update on the mobile application, will lead to a significant increase in the number of students who enroll and are accepted into the institution. Automation, digitalization, and even total digital transformation of the institution are all possible with the aid of technologies such as the Student Information System, Enterprise Resource Planning, and a few others.

3. Develop new methods to inspire and motivate kids

The more sophisticated pupils of today insist that all processes be carried out in a contemporary manner. The majority of them may be found on various social media sites. It is in the best interest of educational institutions to advertise their institutions and specifically target students on various social media platforms. There are a variety of approaches that educational establishments may use in order to attract the attention of prospective students looking to enroll in a reputable educational establishment. Utilizing the many channels offered by social media is not only efficient but also quite useful.

4. Incentivize the completion of chores via the use of a mobile application.

5 Important Higher Education Recruitment Trends To Boost Enrolment | Future Education Magazine

Applications for mobile devices are the most popular kind of software in use today. The admissions and enrollment processes at educational institutions need to be able to be handled entirely via a mobile application, thus these institutions need to implement the appropriate technology. Institutes have the option of selecting an ERP or SIS that comes with a powerful mobile application in order to handle the whole of the admissions process. It has the potential to assist educational institutions in increasing enrolment and admissions. Additionally, it motivates students to accomplish all of the responsibilities assigned to them, such as reporting information in an accurate manner and performing other chores.

5. Cut down on the response time.

Once again, contemporary educational institutions have to catch up to the level of technology and methodological sophistication that their students expect. The leaders of today’s educational institutions need to be aware of the fact that lowering response times across the board in the process of higher education recruitment is advantageous. An efficient student information system offers a comprehensive interface to handle all aspects of a student’s experience, beginning with the first inquiry and continuing with the final acceptance decision. Additionally, in higher education recruitment, it assists education leaders in pursuing automatic solutions in the most effective manner whenever they are required to do so. This helps kids feel more emotionally connected to one another and builds trust among them.


After the pandemic, what kinds of adjustments have you made to the way you handle admissions?

Do you want your college to be the next one that experiences the anticipated increase in enrollment and admissions? Simply let us know what you are interested in, and we will assist you in the most effective manner we can think of. We have the perfect answer for you. I hope this blog ‘5 Higher Education Recruitment Trends To Boost Enrolment’ helps you a lot.

Also Read: 4 Trends That Will Shape The Future Of Higher Education

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