10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use

10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use | Future Education Magazine


Blended Learning Resources is becoming more popular among students in all types of educational environments. What this really entails might look quite different depending on the available options, the rules, and the interests of the students. An application that is well suited for blended learning that can make learning consistent in both time and place would be ideal.

When thinking about learner flow and the cognitive demands placed on them, this seamless experience is vital. The software and Blended Learning Resources that are discussed in this article have been selected with great thought given to the aforementioned factors. There is no one approach to blended learning that is suitable for everyone. Consider what approaches could be successful with your kids and put them into practice.

Here are 10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use;

1. Digital Badges

Taking into account learning that takes place in a range of settings is one of the challenges presented by blended learning. Students are not confined to the classroom by its traditional confinement of four walls. It is vital to have tools that capture and identify learning in order to have a route to monitor the development of students. The instrument that maintains information and credentials for a series of microlearning moments is called a digital badge. Badgr and Credly are two excellent examples of excellent solutions for getting started with badges.

10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use | Future Education Magazine

2. Edmodo

Edmodo Blended Learning Resources is a system that is compatible with both Google Apps and Microsoft Online and can interface with both of them. It provides a forum for instructors, students, and parents to share information and collaborate on projects. Its purpose is to encourage exploration, facilitate the formation of groups, facilitate the administration of quizzes, and facilitate learning from other educators with similar perspectives. Note that Edmodo is not considered a learning management system. This is important to keep in mind.

3. Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a website that offers free access to an extensive video library covering almost every subject conceivable. In addition, there is a wide variety of practice activities to correspond with each sort of information. Students will often utilize Khan Academy to prepare for a more group-oriented activity that will take place in the classroom.

4. Lesson Paths

Blended Learning Resources may follow the road of a flexible and personalised learning environment if that is the path chosen. Playlists take on a far more significant role in terms of their importance to the overall framework of the students’ educational experience. The Lesson Paths platform enables users to assign an already existing playlist or build their own from scratch. Additionally, students are able to create their own own playlists.

5. Go Formative

In a learning environment that makes use of both traditional and online methods, rapid formative evaluations take on an increasingly important role. Go Formative gives you the ability to set exams, monitor real-time learner data, and see students at work in real time, regardless of where your students are located.

10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use | Future Education Magazine

6. Voicethread

Voicethread is a platform that allows students to participate in collaborative activities and articulate their thoughts. Voicethread supports the uploading of more than fifty different kinds of files, and students may provide feedback on those files via a variety of mediums, including text, video, chat, and phone calls.

7. BrainPop

With BrainPop, you can give your pupils short movies that are both interesting and engaging. They are a wonderful tool for presenting new material to pupils or providing them with more opportunities to exercise their skills. Students who have not yet completed the third grade are welcome to use BrainPop Junior.

8. Base Camp

Although BaseCamp is most often thought of as a tool for corporations, it may also be quite helpful for educational institutions. All of your students, your projects, and their many versions may be managed on a single platform. All of the papers and materials that students are working on may be stored in BaseCamp while they are working on a project.

10 Popular Blended Learning Resources Teachers Actually Use | Future Education Magazine

9. PhET

The educational experience should always include time spent in a science laboratory. Students get the opportunity to investigate and experiment with a scientific idea via the use of virtual simulations before moving on to complete an actual lab. In addition, scientific experiments that, for one reason or another, cannot be carried out in the classroom may have their equivalents carried out using a PhET simulation. These simulations, which were developed at the University of Colorado, are inquiry-based and include open-ended gameplay.

The use of Blended Learning Resources might either be useful or detrimental to students. The actualities are going to be heavily reliant on the goal and use. All of the tools that are discussed in this article contribute to the linking together of pupils or the provision of extra practice. Blended learning should not devolve into a series of customized microlearning chances; rather, it should tap the potentials offered by a digital world for learning in both formal and casual settings. It is crucial that this goal be achieved.

10. Ed Tech Map

The Flash-based Ed Tech Map that was built by NewSchools is a comprehensive resource that lists major tools and companies serving blended learning in the form of talent management, data, instructional systems, and curricula. The Ed Tech Map is simple, elegant, and provides endlessly useful information.

Education planners who are seeking for a comprehensive resource that includes everything from digital textbooks to data analytics will find it ideal.


Teachers are supposed to choose updated Blended Learning Resources to train their students for advanced opportunities in careers. It promoted collaborative learning and upskill their students. Moreover, it can help teachers to measure the effectiveness of learning materials. As an educator or a teacher, you can use these blended learning resources within or outside the classroom and make students ready to embark on new fields of their careers.

Also read: What is Blended Learning?

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