Brittany Cufaude: Making Classrooms Fun


Learning can be one of the most rewarding experiences in a student’s life provided they have access to the correct resources and teachers.

Leading the Way, Joyfully-

“I am a teacher at heart and entered the classroom at 22.”

At a women’s shelter, Brittany Cufaude started teaching ESL to moms and kids. She then progressed through pretty much every level of K–12 education. Her areas of competence as a teacher are multicultural pedagogy, multilingual education, developing healthy team cultures, boosting reading outcomes in high-poverty schools, and literacy. Brittany Cufaude jokes that this is a mouthful of EDU jargon. 

Brittany Cufaude has been working in the field of education for about 20 years. CEO of Joyful Classrooms, speaker in public, consultant, and coach Brittany Cufaude.

“I develop professional development throughout the world.”

The knowledge that Brittany Cufaude is assisting and directing educators to realise their full potential is her best and most valuable accomplishment. People who are not in the field of education are unaware of what it means to perform this profession.

“We sacrifice a lot. If I can help teachers feel more confident in their practice, and help them earn more money, I count that as a win.”

Founding Joyful Classrooms-

Although Joyful Classrooms engages in a variety of activities, its ultimate goal is to transform the world via teachers and kids by providing top-notch educational resources and learning goods. They have a multi-vendor website that acts as a central location for resources for teachers. 

The unique selling point of Joyful Classrooms is that they also use an SAS model, leveraging business to develop solutions that are user-friendly, easy to teach and learn with, and align with, cutting-edge learning science and evidence-based best practises.

It is important to remember that teaching and learning are difficult, which contributes to our present educational outcomes. In order to track the effectiveness of their products and learn how they are affecting learning, equity in the classrooms, and pretty much every other aspect of making classroom learning rich, human, and places where both teachers and students thrive, belong, and find purpose, joy, and humanity, they also track user-end data.

Challenges Along the Way-  

You have to be really wild and start something you have never seen to be an entrepreneur. That entails beginning to address the inferiority complex. But that was the simple part for me because I have a strong sense of vision. 

Connecting vision to what will actually happen, what can be consumed, and what will draw people who are motivated to take on and stay inspired and involved in the education mission, the day-to-day, was the difficult part for me.

The Growth Quotient-

“I named my company Joyful Classrooms because most children are sitting in classrooms for a vast number of their waking lives.”

It is difficult to say what people outside of the education industry picture when they consider what life is really like for the majority of instructors and students within the classroom. It must change since this is awful for both teachers and students. Furthermore, contrary to what most people believe, there is a very distinct road to joy in schooling. High levels of academic success—both intellectual and emotional—occur in classes.

The key to success is giving teachers the tools that will have the biggest impact on student learning while still being feasible and simple to use.

“People love that about our work.”

Their Products and Services- 

Joyful Classrooms shine a spotlight on talented educators and industry leaders. There is an abundance of teaching aids and instructional resources on the market and online. You have no idea what you are getting or whether it is best for learning, which is the problem.

“We exist to change that.”

Additionally, the company helps its content producers. They offer them the Side-Hustle Course, which instructs teachers and aspiring content creators on how to start a business, develop a brand, and attract customers.  The business is committed to developing its employees, inspiring a sense of purpose, and transforming the world through maximising learning. They differ due to this.

The Upcoming Big Thing 

Getting specific and measurable results has always been the main priority for Brittany Cufaude and her group. They understand that growth can only be based on customer requirements if it is sustainable. As a result, they continually check their feedback to see what new services, benefits, or training they might be interested in. They take action to make sure they can meet demands as soon as they are identified.

“This philosophy has allowed us to maintain a steady rate of growth.”

A range of services are provided by Joyful Classrooms to teachers, parents, and children. Their consulting services offer highly regarded and thoroughly investigated instructional approaches to other educators.  For teachers, parents, and kids, the market delivers high-impact, screened, and research-based teacher-created resources.  

The courses offered to educators include ones on branding, marketing, and business management.

“Our mission is to provide one source of trusted materials and eliminate the dumping ground of “educational” resources on the internet.”

The structure is based on the idea that students should only use the best materials for learning and practising because instructional time is limited and precious. They aim to joyfully support the success of both instructors and students in everything they do.

Brittany Cufaude’s Take on the Competition-

“Competition exists, but it’s also a myth. I view competition as a chance to learn more about how people behave, but I don’t let my ego get in the way of this and I don’t promote this mentality within my company. This, in my opinion, is never good for business. 

And we are seeing firm after company lose its good standing because, in the end, I believe they lost their humanity somewhere along the road. In the end, we are all one. Therefore, if a customer chooses another vendor instead of what I offer, I would love to learn about it in order to determine how I might be able to better what I have to offer.

But I also have no problem accepting the notion that sometimes others in life perform tasks better than we do. I therefore relieve my company and myself of the pressure of competing for sport’s sake. We are very good at what we do. We carry it out sincerely. We carry it out thoughtfully and sustainably. We carry it out with compassion. And with that, I sleep quite well at night.

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