NAPLAN Results, According To Education Minister Jason Clare, Will Reveal That Schools Need Reform

NAPLAN Results, According To Education Minister Jason Clare, Will Reveal That Schools Need Reform | Future Education Magazine


The need for a “serious” overhaul of elementary and secondary schools will be highlighted by new school performance statistics, according to Education Minister Jason Clare, which will be presented on Wednesday. This data will demonstrate that kids from impoverished households and rural areas predominate among those who perform below the required threshold.

According to an agreement process looking into higher education that was started under Education Minister Jason Clare, the number of university students will need to increase to 1.8 million by 2050 in order to meet future economic needs. However, the minister stated that the declining pipeline of kids graduating from high school was his largest concern and a risk to achieving that demand.

“The thing that keeps me up at night is that the percentage of young people finishing high school at the moment is going down,” he said at The Australian Financial Review Higher Education Summit in Melbourne.

All available data indicates that university education will be necessary for nine out of ten positions that are produced in the economy over the next few years.

The NAPLAN results, which will be made public on Wednesday, will demonstrate the need for a significant overhaul of how youngsters are educated, Education Minister Jason Clare told the Summit.

Children who fall below the minimum level, who are Indigenous, who reside in remote Australia, and whose parents come from a low socioeconomic status are massively overrepresented in that category, he claimed.

If these kids, who were recognised early, are unable to surpass that minimum benchmark, it indicates that our educational system need major restructuring in order to recognise these kids and take appropriate action.

“So if we’re going to make sure that we get more people to TAFE and to university, the reforms that we’re looking at in early education and school education are just as important here as what we’re talking about in the [universities] accord,” the official continued.

Education Minister Jason Clare announces university reforms

Sarah Henderson, a shadow education spokesman, claimed that the education system in Australia was failing children and that the drop in quality at the elementary and secondary levels had become a “national embarrassment.”

According to her, one in five Year 7 kids had reading skills comparable to those of a fourth-grader, and the proportion of Year 3 students scoring in the bottom two bands for both reading and numeracy has climbed from 8.6% in 2018 to 11.2 in 2022.

It is beyond a shadow of a doubt that these deteriorating standards are having a negative impact on the competency of the typical student enrolled in an Australian university.

According to Education Minister Jason Clare, a bill in the parliament would compel colleges to provide immediate assistance to students who were having difficulty earning their degrees.

The measure also mandates that colleges and other higher education institutions create a specific plan, or a support-for-students strategy, as part of which they must proactively identify students who are at risk of failing and specify what they would do to help them succeed.

Its foundation is rather straightforward. Instead than pushing students to drop out, we should be assisting them in succeeding.

More generally, Education Minister Jason Clare stated that it would be necessary to stage the suggestions from Professor Mary O’Kane’s interim accord study, which was published last month.

He stated it once more: the arrangements for student safety at the moment are insufficient.

“We need to face it. Universities are more than just locations for employment and instruction. Additionally, humans reside there.

Announcing new immigration regulations to prevent foreign students from exploiting labour laws will be coming up soon, according to Education Minister Jason Clare.

He declared, “This is a serious threat to one of our biggest exports, and it has to be stamped out.”

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