10 Best Ways to Prepare Students to Learn by Teaching

Prepare Students to Learn by Teaching: 10 Best Ways | Future Education Magazine


At a secondary school devoted to training future educators, one teacher discussed methods for having older students mentor younger pupils. I am the head instructor of a high school’s Academy of Education, where my pupils are preparing for careers as teachers. The daycare we offer here on campus gives these students a chance to interact with children and get teaching experience without ever having to leave the facility.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively prepare students to learn by teaching, empowering them to become active participants in their own education and fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Students’ reading skills have improved, for example, when I reviewed and taught them the state preschool curriculum’s requirements for pronouncing vowels, which they had previously not been exposed to. After presenting a lesson on rainfall to preschoolers, they have a better grasp of concepts like evaporation and condensation.

Some of my students, particularly those who are struggling financially, have unique learning difficulties, or speak a language other than English, have significant knowledge gaps when it comes to the material we cover in class. In fact, many of these students are being introduced to technical activities like coding for the first first time when they are tasked with incorporating them into lessons for preschoolers.

My students this year produced lessons to teach coding to preschoolers as part of our STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics) effort. We had computers and iPads, but I found that the kids weren’t really interested in them. We need real, physical tools to do our tasks.

Prepare Students to Learn by Teaching: 10 Best Ways | Future Education Magazine

Instead of using computers, we ultimately employed technologies like Kibo robots to teach coding to pupils as young as three. While these coding robots are typically aimed at youngsters aged 4 to 7, the high school students who programmed them benefited much from the experience and were better prepared to pass on their knowledge to the younger pupils.

High school students were prepared to teach elementary school pupils how to program robots to dance, spin, and talk after participating in professional development with the robot’s inventors.

As I saw children in preschool and high school gaining knowledge and experience via teaching, I was reminded of the value of this approach to education. As a result of what they are learning in my classes, my pupils may become better students and perhaps instructors in the future. As a result, they are more driven to succeed in school and achieve their educational goals. In this blog, we are going to learn the 10 best ways to prepare students to learn by teaching.

Here are the 10 Best Ways to Prepare Students to Learn by Teaching:

1. Trust them

It’s unlikely that a student will follow through on an assignment if you have doubts about whether or not he will. So, instead of thinking they won’t try to convince yourself that they can. Check read the article Can We Really Believe in All Our Students? for additional information on how to prepare students to learn by teaching and why it is crucial.

2. Do your best to boost others up

Sometimes students who seem unmotivated are truly struggling with their studies and have just given up. Though the power of our words to motivate them is undeniable, the greater impact of our encouragement will come from the one-on-one assistance and demonstration of their own potential for achievement that we provide. The realization that individuals can achieve even modest goals may be transformative.

Be generous with your words of encouragement, and remind them that their efforts are paying off and this is the best way to prepare students to learn by teaching. To take it to the next level, make customized diplomas and medals. (Here’s when Canva’s free certificate template comes in handy.) Your words of support may never be fully appreciated by you.

3. Make sure it is the kids who are doing the task

Prepare Students to Learn by Teaching: 10 Best Ways | Future Education Magazine

If you want to prepare students to learn by teaching, rather than merely sitting passively through lectures, give them real-world tasks to do during class time. Schedule periods when students will be working and you will be able to stroll about and provide individual assistance. Writing-to-learn is another simple and effective strategy for boosting participation in class. Read the blog article “5 Easy Ways to Incorporate Writing in Your Classroom” for suggestions.

4. Use recitation and other memory exercises

Although I recognize that memory training has gone out of favor in recent years, I cannot deny its usefulness. Students will be compelled to retain information presented in a group context, such as when they read a piece or memorize a fact sheet Further, there is no need to resort to “drill and kill.” Adding some drama (dare we say “drill and thrill?”) is possible. You may add excitement and diversity to recitation by speaking the words fast, having pupils use different voices, switching up who speaks the words, reciting them at different times of the day, and so on. This is the best way to prepare students to learn by teaching.

5. Try to make school enjoyable

A lot of complicated exercises are not necessary to keep studying interesting and prepare students to learn by teaching. Simply show that you like teaching by showing enthusiasm for your subject. Share interesting anecdotes and a lighthearted tone. And just prove to them that they can; when they see their own progress, students are more motivated to continue their education.

6. Don’t waste your time and effort with sloppy studying

An increase in homework load does not inevitably result in a rise in academic performance. Don’t take advantage of the students’ free time by giving them more work than they can reasonably do in the time they have available. Cutting down on the amount of homework kids have to complete will allow you to pay greater attention to the quality of the assignments you provide them. Insist that they do each task, and use a reasonable penalty for their failure to do so (apart from just lowering their grade). Make sure they do the work throughout the day if at all feasible.

7. Strive for one-on-one communication

If a kid has a persistent issue, it’s important to have a private conversation with them. Inquire into the specifics of their difficulties by probing them with questions about what they think needs to change in order for them to succeed. Create a strategy and work with them to prepare students to learn by teaching.

8. The parents need to be informed and engaged

Prepare Students to Learn by Teaching: 10 Best Ways | Future Education Magazine

I know you think it’s impossible to prepare students to learn by teaching, but please don’t give up on this just yet. Some parents may seem uninterested in their children’s education because they just do not know how to assist. As a result, it would be beneficial to provide them with concrete steps they may do to aid their pupil and see the results. And when you do speak with them, make it a point to highlight potential answers rather than issues.

9. Facilitate your pupils’ ability to better manage their time

When a student puts in the effort to do their assignment, nothing is more discouraging than for them to have it disappear after they turn it in. Do all you can to assist them with arranging their books, binders, lockers, and other school supplies.

10. Embrace the idea of whole-brain education

You should look at whole brain education if you haven’t already. Difficult as it may be to describe, the essential premise is that when a subject has been taught, students explain it to one another. This is an interesting topic that is sure to pique the interest of your pupils. This video provides a demonstration, or you may pick up the book. Then, think about using certain aspects of the overall brain teaching system even if you don’t want to utilize the whole thing.


The teaching method is used to convey crucial information to your students in an easy language. Multiple teaching strategies may help them to prepare for grasping new information. Here, in the above article you have read about such methods that can Prepare Students to Learn by Teaching. We hope our blog helped you and that these strategies can be implemented within the classroom.

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