Government Is Making Every Effort To Keep IIT Graduates, Says The Ministry Of Education

The Ministry Of Education Asserts That The Government Is Making Every Effort To Keep IIT Graduates.


In 2022–2023, 23 India Institutes of Technology (IITs) will graduate more than 25,000 students, and the government is working hard to keep these graduates in the nation, The Ministry of Education informed parliament on Monday.

According to Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), the government also offers “attractive” academic prospects, according to Union Minister of State for Education Subhas Sarkar.

Sarkar was responding to a query on the government’s efforts to keep such deserving youngsters from BJP Member of Parliament Dhal Singh Bisen. He also enquired as to whether such students had chosen to leave India and study overseas.

In his written response, MoS Sarkar stated, “The Government is dedicated to not only retain students graduating from the top educational institutions in the nation, but to also offer all Non-Resident Indians, appealing educational and research opportunities, within the country.

According to MoS Sarkar’s written response, the Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship scheme offers selected students a competitive fellowship worth up to Rs. 55 lakh (including an annual research grant) over five years to pursue their PhDs at Indian universities or institutions. This is done in an effort to keep talent in the nation.

Sarkar gave a quick overview of the government’s initiatives to assist these youngsters.

To improve the nation’s research ecosystem, Sarkar added, “The Government has also approved the establishment of Research Parks at IITs- Madras, Bombay, Kharagpur, Kanpur, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Gandhinagar, and IISc Bangalore.”

The minister reported that the Global Initiative for Academic Network (GIAN), a government initiative created to identify and connect a talent pool of scientists and businesspeople from around the world, has also been put into practise.

To supplement the nation’s current academic resources, GIAN aims to “…tap the talent pool of scientists and entrepreneurs from abroad, including those of Indian origin.”

The Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC), aims at improving the research ecosystem of India’s higher educational institutions by facilitating academic and research collaborations between top-ranked Indian Institutions and globally-ranked foreign institutions, through joint research projects involving mobility of students and faculty,” Sarkar said.

The Ministry of Education, however, could not provide a thorough response to Bisen’s particular inquiries regarding the precise number of IIT students who leave the country after completing their studies.

In addition, Sarkar dodged the topic of whether The Ministry of Education will mandate that IIT graduates work in India, as it currently does for students enrolled in MBBS and MD programmes.

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