Affordable Countries to Study Abroad in 2023

Affordable Countries to Study Abroad in 2023 | Future Education Magazine



Living the student life, some of us have the dream of studying abroad. Passing out of a renowned university immensely helps in fetching a good placement, that will make life easier. The future path in professional life gets harmonious and growth is faster when you study abroad. The type of exposure, environment, and your peers, all of this is a life-changing experience for the student. The best part is you can work and study in some foreign land, together.

A variety of countries offer different programs to students. It also helps the countries to bring in new and diverse cultures as they invite students from all over the globe. A mixed and diverse environment is what you are exposed to when you plan to study abroad. You meet a lot of different people from different places and ages too. In some countries, age is not a restriction to get any graduation or post-graduation degrees.

So, to Make Your Life Easier, We’ve Come Up With a List of 7 Affordable Countries to Study Abroad in 2023. Read on:

1. Poland

Universities: University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University, University of Wroclaw.

Affordable Countries to Study Abroad in 2023 | Future Education Magazine

Courses offered: Economics, International Relations, Power Engineering, and more.

Fees: 1000 Euros to 4000 Euros.

Studying abroad, that too in a European country like Poland is the cheapest option. Polish university is inculcating global standards of imparting education and hence is world recognized. Imagine the affordability of the country as mentioned above. It has played a major role in European history as a junction between the East and West. As you can earn during your study tenure, surviving over there becomes easier and affordable.

2. Kenya

Universities: Mount Kenya University, University of Nairobi, Kisii University.

Courses offered: Digital Marketing, Special Needs Education, Nursing, and Agricultural and Related Studies.

Fees: KES 32,675 to KES 65,350.

Kenya is another culture-rich and dynamic environment to be in. The East-African culture is rich in its history and enriched with its traditional values imbibed. In the context to study abroad, as an international student, you will be exposed to the culture and imbibe a completely new outlook. Kenyan universities are recognized to strive for bringing up new courses according to the trends prevailing in the market.

3. Hungary

Universities: University of Debrecen, Corvinus University of Budapest, Eotvos Lorand University.

Courses offered: Architectural Design Software, Advanced Design for Sustainability, and Computer Graphics and Visualization.

Fees: $2000-$5000 per year.

In the Eastern part of Europe, Hungary is relatively cheaper. Apart from the globally recognized universities, Hungary is also identified for its food culture, history, and living environment. Students who want European pass-out backing and do not want to pay much in the same context can consider studying in Hungary.

4. Kyrgyzstan

Universities: Krygyz State Medical Academy, Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz State University, Jalal-Abad State University

Courses Offered: Medicine, Nursing, Teaching, and Digital Marketing.

Fees: 5,000 soms to 10,000 soms (US$100 to US$200).

As you can already see, the lifestyle of a student can be pretty much affordable. Kyrgyzstan is the third cheapest Asian country to get a good quality education. To save money and get a high-quality education, the mentioned universities are the best option. These universities are also known as the cheapest tuition in the world. For students who aspire to study abroad, considering some courses in this part of Asia isn’t that bad an option to consider.

5. Brazil

Universities: Faculty of Americana, University of Sao Paulo, University of Brasilia.

Affordable Countries to Study Abroad in 2023 | Future Education Magazine

Courses Offered: Bachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor’s Degree in Informatics, Bachelor in Physical Education.

Fees: NIL

An exciting feature of this country is that the public universities over here offer free education to international students. This means they do not charge any tuition fees to international students. Low cost of living, free tuition fees, and the opportunity to learn Portuguese are so many benefits that a student gets in order to study in Brazil. The culture and beaches of Brazil and something to explore too, again with a low cost of living.

6. Portugal

Universities: University of Lisbon, University of Porto, University of Aveiro.

Courses Offered: Business Studies, Medicine (Pharmacy, Dental, Nutritional).

Fees: 550 Euros to 1050 Euros.

An exciting country to live in for multiple reasons. In the context to study abroad, Portugal is another country where education seems extremely cheap. International students become alumni’ of well-recognized universities that help in their careers. Being in the coastal regions of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean the transportation facilities are good too, in order to move around.

7. Saudi Arabia

Universities: King Khalid University, Ummul Qura University, King Fahd University of To stud abroad, students can easily apply to Minerals and Petroleum

Affordable Countries to Study Abroad in 2023 | Future Education Magazine

Courses Offered: Agriculture, Medicine, Nursing, Computer Science, Business Management.

Fees: $6,000 Bachelors Program.

Saudi Arabia is also one of the best countries to explore education opportunities. It is known as an educational hub as diverse universities provide a variety of educational courses to choose from. Graduates also have the opportunity to sit for campus placements, being international students. For students who aspire to study abroad, Saudi Arabia can be the perfect destination. It is a regional powerhouse with a good standard of living in its respective cities.


These days, applying to any global university can be done just via a single click. To study abroad, students can easily apply to any international university, sitting at home. As the youth is the power of any nation, and the changes in technology we are witnessing, students have more than extreme opportunities to explore as education is too, changing.

The typical courses are still available, but a lot of new opportunities are knocking on doors to be noticed. Students all over the globe are considering the same to gain some unique career opportunities and gain knowledge of the same. To study abroad, students these days need to plan their field of interest and choose wisely as a lot of opportunities are there. Choose as per interests and liking.

Also Read: Top 10 Universities in the US

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