In today’s times as technology has taken over almost everywhere, other universities than the usual ones, known as alternative universities give access to new courses that are in sync with the present. In the technological space, a wide variety of career options are available that may remain unexplored. All the alternative universities existing are different from each other. They have broken the traditional norms of education and have tailor-made solutions according to the likings and interests of students.
Alternative universities are schools or colleges that on purpose do not go on the traditional path of providing education. They are very different from the conventional schools and colleges. They are flexible in terms of the degree to choose, admission processes, and even the results are not much stressed. Such alternative universities are flexible for students who do not feel a part of the traditional university, for students who want to have more control over their own degrees and education, this is the best option.
Mentioning A List Of Such Alternative Universities In Order To Make Your Research Easier About The Same:
1. Thomas Edison State University:
This is a public university founded in 1971. Located in Trenton, New Jersey the school is famously known as one of the best schools for adults. This is because other alternative universities offer more than 100 areas of study for independent students. The average age of the students in school is 40 and they do not admit students less than age 21.

This type of school is perfect for those who want to upgrade their skills and live college life again. While being in a full-time job, you can enroll yourself in undergraduate terms as they begin every month. The course structure is a 12-week schedule. For a person of the same state, the cost is $3963 and for an out-of-state individual, it is $4928.
2. Maharishi International University:
From the alternative universities list, this one is a non-profit but private university located in Fairfield, Iowa. Founded by an Indian guru named Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1973, this one strives to be a consciousness-centered education system. The rule over here is to do one course at a time so as to not be in stress by multiple courses at once. Consisting of a 370-acre campus, and a 60,000 square feet big recreation center, the recreation center is home to one-third of the campus’ electric power supply to promote eco-friendliness. A great initiative to promote the message of saving the environment. One of the best alternative universities to opt for.
3. College of the Ozarks:
This one is a Christian liberal arts college, located in Branson, Missouri. With the main agenda of imbibing Christian values in the students, they also strive for living, learning, and service through the integration of faith-building. This is one of the special alternative universities because it bestows an opportunity for full-time jobs in the school’s 100 campus space that helps the students to pay for their education partly. With minors and majors, the school offers many diverse fields of education to opt for.

Areas like character education, work ethics, and Christian ministries are included to promote their culture. The higher studies college was established in 1906 and the high school was named College of the Ozarks. At present, there are 1426 students enrolled and the school is a full-time bachelor program since 1965. The cost of education here is $19500 if opted for their work program, and the tuition costs are zero. To stay on the campus the cost for the same is $7900 annually. Other costs like stationery are separate.
4. Naropa University:
Mainly focused on spiritual principles like meditation, this one is a private, non-profit university. A Tibetan Buddhist teacher founded this school in 1974 named Chogyam Trungpa. Students here are taught to explore their inner resources, it is a Buddhist-inspired school where the modern mindfulness movement is focused on. It is a spiritual space where the inner peace of students is the main agenda.
It is famously known as the best college town in America located in Boulder Colorado. Offering diverse programs like environmental studies, peace studies, psychology, arts, education, and a lot more they are said to be one of the best alternative universities where students get to explore a lot of varieties of education to cater to.
5. College of Idaho:
The state’s first private liberal arts college, founded in 1891, is located in Caldwell, Idaho. It is known for its PEAK program where students graduate in four years with three majors and minors. The PEAK program consists of four aspects namely, humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and a professional field. This is the Unique Selling Point of this one of the gems of alternative universities. There are 26 majors and 58 minors to choose from to design and structure the curriculum. For every 9 students, there is one teacher allotted to ensure harmony and quality education. The tuition fee for one year is $32,100 and the cost for a room is $10,211.

Other small or personal costs are not included like transportation, books supplies, personal costs, etc. The total cost will go around $46,516 dollars. Considering the expense, and being one of the best alternative universities of all time, they do offer some financial aid and scholarship opportunities to lessen the financial strain.
Alternative universities are mainly focused on the overall development of the student. Irrespective of the intellect, the student is given the required flexibility to choose from the available curriculum and select according to his/her liking. Universities like these try to imbibe the value in the students that will help them further in life, unlike traditional universities. These develop the student in spiritual and academic aspects without making studies a stressful and tedious task. Ease in exploring other aspects of life is the mantra that they focus on.
Choose the alternative university that suits best your personality. Do not be in a hurry to choose and regret it later. Take up a job while you learn at a university so you get time to think about which university to select from. Talk to your peers from work and outside work. Make a wise decision and come out of the university with glitter, always! Best of luck to you. Go out there and make a name for yourself!
Also Read: Top 10 Universities in the US