50 Universities Throughout Europe Will Collaborate Across Borders And Disciplines

50 European Universities alliances Across Borders And Disciplines | Future Education Magazine


We now have a total of 50 European Universities alliances with more than 430 higher education institutions, including the 20 alliances chosen in 2022. This means that by the middle of 2024, we will have 60 European Universities with more than 500 higher education institutions, which is the target set by the European plan for universities.

The New Partnerships

To further aid in the execution of the European Universities initiative, the European Commission announced a new Erasmus+ European Universities call on September 30, 2022. The Commission revealed the names of the call’s successful candidates today.

Existing European Universities alliances will continue to receive support to strengthen and expand their cooperation with more than 50 additional higher education institutions thanks to a record budget of €402.2 million under the 2021–2027 Erasmus+ programme. Additionally, a number of new coalitions will be able to begin working together.

The €402.2 million comprises €3.2 million from the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA III) to further enable higher education institutions from Western Balkans nations not affiliated with the Erasmus+ programme in their participation as full partners.

Regarding The Alliances

The 50 alliances’ higher education institutions are dispersed throughout 35 nations’ capital cities and outlying areas of Europe, including all EU Member States as well as Iceland, the Republic of North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey, as well as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro.

The European Universities alliances, which have gathered nearly 1,700 associated partners, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs), businesses, cities, and local and regional authorities, may be agents of change and bring innovation to Europe’s regions.

Beyond The Nations Of The Erasmus+ Programme

Higher education institutions from Western Balkans nations that are not affiliated with the Erasmus+ programme may become full partners under the 2023 Erasmus+ call. As a result, in addition to those from the Republic of North Macedonia and Serbia, higher education institutions from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro have joined the project. 

As was the case last year, alliances may include as associated partners higher education institutions from countries that are a member of the Bologna Process. Nearly 30 Ukrainian higher education institutions have joined the coalitions as part of the 2023 request.

Next Actions

The next Erasmus+ call for ideas will be published by the Commission in the fall of 2024 with the intention of achieving the 60 European Universities alliances by the middle of 2024 target set forth in the European Strategy for Universities.

European Universities alliances will eventually link up an increasing number of faculties, departments, staff, and students. They will also offer more cutting-edge pedagogies based on problem-based and transdisciplinary approaches, carry out more joint programmes, be even more inclusive, and engage in their communities more.

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