Smartphones and tablet computers are drastically altering how we access our common knowledge sources by continually connecting us to near-infinite amounts of raw data and information. From casual culinary tutorials on YouTube to online university courses, we have unparalleled rapid access to experts. Every day, individuals all over the world are immersed in fascinating new kinds of learning, yet conventional school and university institutions are still unable to capitalize on the many prospects for innovation in this field.
According to research, the online learning industry would grow from $165 billion to $275 billion by 2022. Along with it, m-learning will change education.
m-Learningg refers to instructional resources that may be accessed through a smartphone, e-reader, or tablet. Mobile learning apps are used by 600 million individuals globally. The market for mobile learning goods and services was valued at $5 billion in 2014, with a predicted increase to $70 billion by 2020.
Course designers, including universities, K12 schools, and independent instructors, are capitalizing on the immense potential for on-demand, as-needed learning. In this article, we will explore 10 compelling reasons why m-Learning will change education as we know it, and how it has the potential to transform the way we teach and learn.
Here are 10 Reasons Why m-Learning Will Change Education:
1. Increasingly Connected

80% of the population owns a smartphone. 90% of Millennials always have their smartphone with them. One-fifth of them solely converse through smartphones, with no access to desktop computers. India and several other emerging Asian nations have substantial mobile-only internet use, with few desktop PCs. Mobile-only users currently outweigh desktop-only users globally.
2. Improved Attitudes Toward Learning in Grades K-12
A slew of learning advantages come with the anytime, anywhere, bite-sized delivery modality. According to a poll Why m-Learning Will Change Education:
- 63% of students prefer getting educational course reminders and notifications.
- 61% feel mobile facilitates peer and teacher cooperation.
- 54% stated it helped them arrange their studies.
- 52% indicated they can access their school network from home using mobile devices.
- K-12 instructors reported similar positive results.
- 52% said that their pupils were more motivated.
- 36% of teachers claimed mobile programs helped their pupils enhance their creativity.
- 29% of respondents say the tools promote problem-solving and critical thinking.
- 7% reported enhanced problem-solving abilities.
3. Teachers and students switch roles
The same handheld-connected technologies that let children and adults to access current educational solutions also allow them to collect and share information. In other words, consider children who are reared with programming and video-production expertise from an early age, developing instructional materials for their classmates or even teaching adults, exposing them to the perspectives of very young people. Consider a 12-year-old youngster instructing nurses, doctors, and parents on how to properly transmit health facts to him.
4. The Mobile Revolution
70% of all YouTube minutes are spent on a mobile device. According to Malik Ducard, YouTube’s global head of learning and family, educational or instructional videos are the site’s third most popular genre. He claims that m-Learning Will Change Education-related video on YouTube generates 500 million views every day. Education applications rank third in Apple’s app store.
5. Lifelong Learning
Until recently, most people associated “education” with a certain period in their lives: starting school at the age of five and continuing through school institutions all the way to university. Education had an end date, and then the working life started. This paradigm, which has its origins in the industrial period, is rapidly losing relevance and applicability to the way we live our lives in the connected age.

Education is becoming more intertwined with our everyday lives. We download and read the life or work-related articles on our phones, tablets, and PCs, such as how to repair our appliances or how to utilize a new professional software program. Many people of all ages choose to take formal online courses in their spare time, including complex subjects like artificial intelligence, computer science, and game theory-all which are real examples of free courses offered by Stanford University and taken by everyday people like 11-year-old children and retirees.
Continuous learning will simply be assumed for future generations of children, who are often born with access to a linked personal gadget. not only this there have many reasons proving why m-Learning Will Change Education.
6. Gender Equality and Physical Burden Reduction
In places of the world where young women may still be denied access to formal education due to decades of cultural customs, m-Learning promises to bring girls and women of all ages in touch with high-quality education discreetly and on their own time.
Similarly, m-Learning will change education, mLearning makes educational materials available to persons with severe impairments who may not be physically able to attend a classroom or campus on a regular basis. In each of these circumstances, additional liberties may be revealed. As a consequence, these groups have the ability to direct their educational and career paths.
7. New Prospects for Traditional Educational Institutions
The m-Learning phenomenon will not necessarily compete with traditional institutions, but will instead supplement and enhance their present offers. When Harvard and MIT announced their collaboration to provide free online courses via a combined nonprofit entity, edX, they introduced an interesting new concept. To better understand distant learning, both institutions will study how students react to the courses. This is one of the important reasons behind m-learning will change education.
Following a few wasted chances in the early 2000s, prominent institutions seem to be looking beyond profit and are turning to m-Learning to locate new bright students or explore how people learn. Traditional universities might potentially aid in the rapid scaling of m-Learning solutions by using their enormous and well-established networks of students, professors, and alumni.
The financial potential is also significant; according to a February analysis by Worldwide Industry Analysts, the global market for online and other electronic distance learning would reach $107 billion by 2015.
8. A Revolution That Will Lead To Customized Education
The key to properly harnessing the m-Learning revolution will be more than merely digitizing existing educational institutions. Allowing individuals to pick their own pathways, use their abilities, and pursue their interests and callings will be the true draw. m-Learning offers significant financial potential, but the most exciting and fulfilling part of these solutions is that students of any age or background may have the opportunity to seek information that is meaningful, relevant, and achievable in their own life.
9. Collaboration with Mobile Banking and Mobile Health Initiatives

Emerging m-Learning ecosystem developers may learn a lot from their predecessors in mBanking and mHealth, as well as services like mobile money transfers and mobile health monitoring. m-Learning, mHeatlh, and mFinance may be synergistically coupled, in addition to adopting certain concepts, such as utilizing text messaging to give brief lessons, instructor comments, and grades.
After all, improved education may readily improve people’s financial situation, which in turn has a favorable impact on their health. These three elements may be combined in any sequence and the outcome will always be more than the total of the separate components. This virtuous cycle, whether used on a micro or macro basis, has the potential to be a highly successful strategy to enhance personal, regional, and even national economies.
10. Education’s Long Tail
m-Learning will change education, m-Learning solutions are positioned to make use of the large number of current educational content that might be made available via mobile channels. This is particularly true now that YouTube, Vimeo, and other video-sharing platforms have already accumulated a critical mass of tips, tutorials, and full-fledged courses that can be re-aggregated by subject and packaged as instructional content. The latest TED-Ed effort attests to the possibilities provided by the creative reuse of existing high-quality teachings.
Others have used video-sharing social media to disseminate impromptu instructional resources. It’s a strategy popularized by Salman Khan, an MIT graduate who, via his namesake academy, “flips” the standard education paradigm by having students absorb lectures at home while practicing and discussing what they’ve learned in school.
m-Learning resources do not have to be confined to higher education; they may easily include useful, practical know-how, from grandparents exhibiting how to cook traditional foods to businesses demonstrating how to put solar panels on mud huts.
The type and complexity of instructional resources may also vary widely, and a video-capable smartphone is not always required: Humanitarian groups such as MAMA have used basic text messages to teach women in developing countries about pregnancy, delivery, and baby care.
These examples show how the value of m-Learning comes in its capacity to provide solutions for a wide range of specialized consumers.
Bottom Line
m-Learning Will Change Education by leveraging the power of mobile technology to make learning more accessible, personalized, interactive, and engaging. With its numerous advantages, m-Learning is poised to shape the future of education, empowering learners and transforming the educational landscape.
So, this concludes our blog “10 Reasons Why m-Learning Will Change Education..” With time, new trends are ruling the educational landscape and m-Learning is certainly here to stay. Although we are yet to explore the full potential it offers, m-Learning looks promising, to say the least. We hope you liked reading this blog. For more intriguing content on education, keep visiting