OfCourseMe- Changing Culture Through Continuous Learning


One of the major businesses transforming corporate learning culture and behaviour is OfCourseMe. They are one of the few and best businesses offering services that improve content organisation, aggregation, etc. in large corporations. These services not only help to improve the learning environment but also boost employee productivity and performance, creating a work environment that is more focused on learning and fostering the development of both employees’ personal and professional lives.

All of these elements have a direct impact on the business’ overall performance and promote holistic growth and development. In addition to being happy with their services, their clients also give them the credit they deserve for helping to accelerate their learning curve, improve the way they approach their work, and broaden their knowledge and skill sets.

During a conversation with Davide Conforti, the CEO of OfCourseMe. Let’s learn more about OfCourseMe, the products offered by the business, and the CEO’s career path.

Please tell us about OfCourseMe and the early difficulties the business faced.

Learning culture and behaviour are changing as a result of OfCourseMe. We collaborate with learning and development managers to alter the way their teams learn, whether it’s through upskilling, retraining, or simply adopting a fresh viewpoint. In order to help them create a culture of lifelong learning in their staff members and enable their success, we collaborate with them to provide curated learning solutions for their team.

To do this, we develop a more flexible and effective learning environment that enables all employees—regardless of their age, aptitude, or skill—to realise their full potential through individualised, on-demand, self-training courses. In a nutshell, the purpose of OfCourseMe is to develop lifelong learners.

Tell us about OfCourseMe’s interesting services, any newest ones, and how they adapt to the passing of time and fashions.

For our clients, we provide a full-service solution built around the ideas of content aggregation, search, recommendation, and curation. We want to help you with two problems: organising your digital training materials in one location, making them easily accessible, comparable, and well-organized; and, at the same time, preventing content overload for your learners by curating pertinent and contextual learning pathways to support your people in upskilling and reskilling themselves, helping to change their mindset and attitude towards personal development.

In terms of the industry, we believe OfCourseMe offers distinct skills when it comes to providing solutions that seamlessly fit into already-existing learning ecosystems; we also specialise at content scraping and tagging, content curation, marketing, and people analytics. Our value proposition is distinctive and incredibly appealing to learning managers who are struggling to deliver learning paths at scale with nimble teams and shrinking budgets because it combines content curation, people intelligence, and marketing support as a service.

Establishing a learning culture involves daily habits and routines, which are based on interactions with peers and management. Because of this, we continually make investments in the social components of learning, from exchanging comments and opinions on content to informing users of their peers’ pertinent interactions with it. We are simultaneously enhancing our search, ranking, and recommendation features to give users results that are increasingly relevant and personalised. Because learning culture is about people, we think in technology that benefits people.

As upskilling and reskilling need to be grounded in skills and continual performance appraisal/feedback loops to identify gaps, mapping contents vs. skill sets is a set of characteristics in great demand right now. Moreover, we are close to organising our first million content sources in OfCourseMe, which will enable us to offer educational materials in over 20 languages, 160 topics, innumerable formats, and – of course – talents. We do have a fairly organised 12- to 18-month product roadmap, which we iterate and update every three months utilising behavioural data analysis, R&D, and user feedback in an Agile framework.

Please share your career history with us, including any high points you would like to mention.

I have a degree in industrial engineering from Milano, six years of consulting experience, and five years of experience as a BI director and CFO. then came the choice to start from scratch in early 2017.

  • establishing a lucrative and quickly expanding business from scratch with no outside investment.
  • closing 6-digit deals with some of the biggest businesses in Europe, who we are happy to call our flagship clients. 
  • 20 extraordinary individuals that share the same passion, values, and aspirations make up the growing team.

How are the OfCourseMe team and work environment?

At OfCourseMe, Francesco and I set out with the idea of creating a workplace culture based on the same principles that our solution promotes: openness, responsibility, honesty, curiosity, and empathy. OfCourseMe never had a physical headquarters; instead, we started out working from home long before the pandemic drove most people inside. You can only accomplish this if both your people and others believe in you. The appropriate culture must be established, reinforced, and the appropriate procedures must be implemented.

The greatest isn’t necessarily brought out by competition, but rather by having high standards for both ourselves and our clients and always finding a way to meet or exceed them.

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